Source code for limmbo.core.gwas

import sys

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import copy

import scipy as sp
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

import limix as limi
import limix.qtl as qtl
import limix.plot as plot
import limix.mtset

from limmbo.utils.utils import verboseprint
from limmbo.utils.utils import effectiveTests

[docs]class GWAS(object): """ """ def __init__(self, datainput, seed=10, verbose=True, searchDelta=False): ''' nothing to initialize ''' self.verbose = verbose self.seed = seed self.searchDelta = searchDelta self.genotypes = datainput.genotypes self.genotypes_info = datainput.genotypes_info self.phenotypes = datainput.phenotypes self.phenotype_ID = datainput.phenotype_ID self.covariates = datainput.covariates self.relatedness = datainput.relatedness self.pcs = datainput.pcs self.Cg = datainput.Cg self.Cn = datainput.Cn self.test = "lrt" self.pvalues = None self.pvalues_adjust = None self.pvalues_empirical_raw = None self.stats = None self.z = None model = None self.pvalues_empirical = None self.adjustBy = None self.estimate_vd = None self.fdr_empirical = None try: self.genotypes = np.array(self.genotypes) except: raise IOError("datainput.genotypes cannot be coverted to np.array") try: self.phenotypes = np.array(self.phenotypes) except: raise IOError("datainput.phenotypes cannot be coverted to np.array") if self.covariates is not None: try: self.covariates = np.array(self.covariates) except: raise IOError("datainput.covariates cannot be coverted to np.array") if self.relatedness is not None: try: self.relatedness = np.array(self.relatedness) except: raise IOError("datainput.relatedness cannot be coverted to np.array")
[docs] def runAssociationAnalysis(self, mode, setup="lmm", adjustSingleTrait=None): r""" Analysing the association between phenotypes, genotypes, optional covariates and random genetic effects. Arguments: mode (string): pecifies the type of linear model: either 'multitrait' for multivariate analysis or 'singletrait' for univariate analysis. setup (string): specifies the linear model setup: either 'lmm' for linear mixed model or 'lm' for a simple linear model. adjustSingleTrait (string): Method to adjust single-trait association p-values for testing multiple traits; If None (default) no adjusting. Options are 'bonferroni' (for bonferroni correction') or 'effective' (for correcting for the effective number of tests as described in `(Galwey,2009) <>`_. Returns: (dictionary): dictionary containing: - **lm** (:class:`limix.qtl.LMM`): LIMIX LMM object - **pvalues** (numpy array): [`NrSNP` x `P`] (when mode is singletrait) or [1 x`NrSNP`] array of p-values. - **betas** (numpy array): [`NrSNP` x `P`] array of effect size estimates per SNP across all traits. - **pvalues_adjust** (numpy array): only returned if mode is 'singletrait' and 'adjustSingleTrait' is not None; contains single-trait p-values adjusted for the number of single-trait analyses conducted. Examples: .. doctest:: >>> from pkg_resources import resource_filename >>> from import ReadData >>> from import InputData >>> from limmbo.core.gwas import GWAS >>> data = ReadData(verbose=False) >>> file_pheno = resource_filename('limmbo', ... 'io/test/data/pheno.csv') >>> file_geno = resource_filename('limmbo', ... 'io/test/data/genotypes.csv') >>> file_relatedness = resource_filename('limmbo', ... 'io/test/data/relatedness.csv') >>> file_covs = resource_filename('limmbo', ... 'io/test/data/covs.csv') >>> file_Cg = resource_filename('limmbo', ... 'io/test/data/Cg.csv') >>> file_Cn = resource_filename('limmbo', ... 'io/test/data/Cn.csv') >>> data.getPhenotypes(file_pheno=file_pheno) >>> data.getCovariates(file_covariates=file_covs) >>> data.getRelatedness(file_relatedness=file_relatedness) >>> data.getGenotypes(file_genotypes=file_geno) >>> data.getVarianceComponents(file_Cg=file_Cg, ... file_Cn=file_Cn) >>> indata = InputData(verbose=False) >>> indata.addPhenotypes(phenotypes = data.phenotypes) >>> indata.addRelatedness(relatedness = data.relatedness) >>> indata.addCovariates(covariates = data.covariates) >>> indata.addGenotypes(genotypes=data.genotypes, ... genotypes_info=data.genotypes_info) >>> indata.addVarianceComponents(Cg = data.Cg, Cn=data.Cn) >>> indata.commonSamples() >>> indata.regress() >>> indata.transform(transform="scale") >>> gwas = GWAS(datainput=indata, seed=10, verbose=False) >>> >>> >>> # Example of multi-trait single-variant association testing >>> # using a linear mixed model. >>> resultsAssociation = gwas.runAssociationAnalysis( ... setup="lmm", mode="multitrait") >>> resultsAssociation.keys() ['lm', 'betas', 'pvalues'] >>> resultsAssociation['pvalues'].shape (1, 20) >>> '{:0.3e}'.format(resultsAssociation['pvalues'].min()) '4.584e-09' >>> resultsAssociation['betas'].shape (10, 20) >>> >>> >>> # Example of single-trait single-variant association testing >>> # using a linear mixed model. >>> resultsAssociation = gwas.runAssociationAnalysis( ... setup="lmm", mode="singletrait", ... adjustSingleTrait = "effective") >>> resultsAssociation.keys() ['pvalues_adjust', 'lm', 'betas', 'pvalues'] >>> resultsAssociation['pvalues'].shape (10, 20) >>> resultsAssociation['betas'].shape (10, 20) >>> '{:0.3e}'.format(resultsAssociation['pvalues_adjust'].min()) '2.262e-03' """ # set parameters for the analysis self.N, self.P = self.phenotypes.shape self.S = self.genotypes.shape[1] verboseprint("Loaded {} samples, {} phenotypes, {} snps".format( self.N, self.P, self.S), verbose = self.verbose) self.setup = setup self.mode = mode if mode == "multitrait": associationResults = self.__multiTraitAssociation_anyeffect( genotypes = self.genotypes) if mode == "singletrait": associationResults = self.__singleTraitAssociation( genotypes = self.genotypes, adjustSingleTrait = adjustSingleTrait)
return associationResults def __multiTraitAssociation_anyeffect(self, genotypes, empiricalP=False, computeFDR=False): r""" Muti-trait association test, testing for an effect of the genotype on `any` phenotype (`any` effect test). Wraps around `qtl.qtl_test_lmm_kronecker`. Arguments: genotypes (array-like): [`N` x `NrSNP`] genotype array of [`N`] samples and [`NrSNP`] genotypes empiricalP (bool): set to True if association test is part of estimating empirical pvalues computeFDR (bool): set to True if association test is part of estimating empirical FDR Returns: (dictionary): dictionary containing: - **lm**(:class:`limix.qtl.LMM`): LIMIX LMM object - **pvalues** (numpy array): [1 x`NrSNP`] array of p-values - **betas** (numpy array): [`NrSNP` x `P`] array of effect size estimates per SNP across all traits """ if self.covariates is None: Acovs = None else: Acovs = sp.eye(self.P) if self.setup is "lmm": if self.Cg is None: if self.P > 30: print("Warning: For large trait sizes, computation times " "for pure REML variance decomposition are long, " "consider bootstrapping trait-trait covariance" " components") verboseprint("Estimate Variance components", verbose = self.verbose) self.__varianceDecomposition() K1c = self.Cg K2c = self.Cn K1r = self.relatedness self.model="lmm_mt" else: K1c = 1e-9*sp.eye(self.P) K2c = sp.cov(self.phenotypes.T) K1r = sp.eye(self.N) if self.pcs is not None: self.model="lm_mt_pcs" else: self.model="lm_mt" Asnps = sp.eye(self.P) if not empiricalP and not computeFDR: verboseprint("Computing multi-trait (any effect) model: {}".format( self.model), verbose = self.verbose) lm, pvalues = qtl.qtl_test_lmm_kronecker(snps=genotypes, phenos=self.phenotypes, Asnps=Asnps, Acovs=Acovs, covs=self.covariates, K1r=K1r, K1c=K1c, K2c=K2c, searchDelta=self.searchDelta) if not empiricalP and not computeFDR: betas = lm.getBetaSNP() else: betas = None lm = None return {"pvalues": pvalues, "betas": betas, "lm": lm} def __singleTraitAssociation(self, genotypes, adjustSingleTrait=None, empiricalP=False, computeFDR=False): r""" Single-trait association test. Wraps around `qtl.qtl_test_lmm`. Arguments: genotypes (array-like): [`N` x `NrSNP`] genotype array of [`N`] samples and [`NrSNP`] genotypes empiricalP (bool): set to True if association test is part of estimating empirical pvalues computeFDR (bool): set to True if association test is part of estimating empirical FDR adjustSingleTrait (string): Method to adjust single-trait association p-values for testing multiple traits; If None (default) no adjusting. Options are 'bonferroni' (for bonferroni correction') or 'effective' (for correcting for the effective number of tests as described in `(Galwey,2009) <>`_. Returns: (dictionary): dictionary containing: - **lm**(:class:`limix.qtl.LMM`): LIMIX LMM object - **pvalues** (numpy array): [`P` x `NrSNP`] array of p-values - **betas** (numpy array): [`P` x `NrSNP`] array of effect size estimates per SNP across all traits - **pvalues_adjust** (numpy array): only returned if 'adjustSingleTrait' is not None; contains single-trait p-values adjusted for the number of single-trait analyses conducted """ if self.setup is "lmm": self.model="lmm_st" K = self.relatedness else: if self.pcs is not None: self.model="lm_st_pcs" else: self.model="lm_st" K = None if not empiricalP and not computeFDR: verboseprint("Computing single-trait association ({})".format( self.model), verbose = self.verbose) lm = qtl.qtl_test_lmm(snps=genotypes, pheno=self.phenotypes, K=K, covs=self.covariates, test=self.test) pvalues = lm.getPv() if not empiricalP and not computeFDR: betas = lm.getBetaSNP() else: betas = None lm = None if adjustSingleTrait is not None: if self.adjustBy is None: if adjustSingleTrait is "bonferroni": self.adjustBy = self.P elif adjustSingleTrait is "effective": self.adjustBy = effectiveTests(self.phenotypes) else: raise (("{} is not a provided method to adjust single-trait" "pvalues for multiple hypothesis testing").format( adjustSingleTrait)) pvalues_adjust = np.array([self.__adjust(p) for p in pvalues]) else: pvalues_adjust = None self.adjustSingleTrait = adjustSingleTrait return {"lm":lm, "pvalues": pvalues, "pvalues_adjust": pvalues_adjust, "betas": betas}
[docs] def saveAssociationResults(self, results, outdir, name="", pvalues_empirical=None): r""" Saves results of association analyses. Arguments: results (dictionary): dictionary generated via runAssociation analysis, containing: - **lm** (:class:`limix.qtl.LMM`): LIMIX LMM object - **pvalues** (numpy array): [`P` x `NrSNP`] array of p-values - **betas** (numpy array): [`P` x `NrSNP`] array of effect size estimates per SNP across all traits - **pvalues_adjust** (numpy array): only returned mode == singletrait and if 'adjustSingleTrait' is not None; contains single-trait p-values adjusted for the number of single-trait analyses conducted outdir (string): '/path/to/output/directory'; needs user writing permission name (string): input name specific name, such as chromosome used in analysis pvalues_empirical (pandas dataframe, optional): empirical pvalues via adjustSingleTrait Returns: (None) """ if name is not "": = name outstring = (outdir, self.model, "_" + name) else: = "" outstring = (outdir, self.model, "") self.genotypes_info['SNP'] = self.genotypes_info.index beta_df = pd.DataFrame(results['betas'].T, index=self.genotypes_info.index, columns = self.phenotype_ID) beta_df = pd.concat([self.genotypes_info, beta_df], axis=1) if self.mode is 'singletrait': pvalues_df = pd.DataFrame(results['pvalues'].T, index=self.genotypes_info.index, columns = self.phenotype_ID) pvalues_df = pd.concat([self.genotypes_info, pvalues_df], axis=1) if results['pvalues_adjust'] is not None: pvalues_adjust_df = pd.DataFrame(results['pvalues_adjust'].T, index=self.genotypes_info.index, columns = self.phenotype_ID) pvalues_adjust_df = pd.concat([self.genotypes_info, pvalues_adjust_df], axis=1) pvalues_adjust_df.to_csv("%s/%s_padjust%s.csv" % outstring, index=False) if pvalues_empirical is not None: pempirical_df = pd.DataFrame(pvalues_empirical.T, index=self.genotypes_info.index, columns = self.phenotype_ID) #index=SNP, columns=['Pempirical']) pempirical_df = pd.concat([self.genotypes_info, pempirical_df], axis=1) pempirical_raw_df = pd.DataFrame(self.pvalues_empirical_raw.T, index=self.genotypes_info.index, columns = self.phenotype_ID) pempirical_raw_df = pd.concat([self.genotypes_info, pempirical_raw_df], axis=1) pempirical_raw_df.to_csv("%s/%s_pempirical_raw%s%s.csv" % (outstring + (self.fdr,)), index=False) if self.mode is 'multitrait': pvalues_df = pd.DataFrame(results['pvalues'].T, index=self.genotypes_info.index, columns = ["P"]) pvalues_df = pd.concat([self.genotypes_info, pvalues_df], axis=1) if pvalues_empirical is not None: pvalues_empirical_df = pd.DataFrame(pvalues_empirical.T, index=self.genotypes_info.index, columns = ["P"]) pvalues_empirical_df = pd.concat([self.genotypes_info, pvalues_empirical-df], axis=1) pvalues_df.to_csv("%s/%s_pvalue%s.csv" % outstring, index=False) beta_df.to_csv("%s/%s_betavalue%s.csv" % outstring, index=False) if pvalues_empirical is not None: pempirical_df.to_csv("%s/%s_pempirical%s%s.csv" % (outstring + (self.fdr,)), index=False) if self.estimate_vd: if self.timeVD is not None: pd.DataFrame(self.timeVD).to_csv( "%s/timeVarianceDecomposition_REML.csv" % outdir, index=False, header=False) pd.DataFrame(self.Cg).to_csv("%s/Cg_REML.csv" % (outdir), index=False, header=False) pd.DataFrame(self.Cn).to_csv("%s/Cn_REML.csv" % (outdir), index=False, header=False) if self.fdr is not None: pd.DataFrame(self.ppermute).to_csv("%s/%s_ppermute%s.csv" % outstring, index=False) pd.DataFrame(['FDR', str(self.FDR)]).T.to_csv( "%s/%s_empiricalFDR_%s.csv" % outstring, header=False,
[docs] def computeEmpiricalP(self, pvalues, nrpermutations = 1000): r""" Compute empirical p-values: permute the genotypes, do the association test, record if permuted p-value of SNP is smaller than original p-value. Sum these occurrences and divide by total number of permutation. Arguments: pvalues (array-like): [`P` x `NrSNP`] (single-trait) or [1 x `NrSNP`] (multi-trait) array of p-values nrpermutations (int): number of permutations; 1/nrpermutations is the maximum level of significance (alpha)to test for, e.g. nrpermuations=100 -> alpha=0.01 Returns: (numpy array): [`P` x `NrSNP`] (single-trait) or [1 x `NrSNP`] (multi-trait) array of empirical p-values """ verboseprint("Computing empirical p-values", verbose=self.verbose) np.random.seed(seed=self.seed) self.nrpermutations = nrpermutations pvalues = np.array(pvalues) if self.mode is "multitrait": count = np.zeros((nrpermutations, self.S)) else: count = np.zeros((nrpermutations, self.P, self.S)) for ps in range (nrpermutations): verboseprint("Permutation %s" % ps) genotypes_permute = self.genotypes[np.random.choice(self.N, self.N, replace=False), :] if self.mode is "multitrait": resultsPermute = self.__multiTraitAssociation_anyeffect( genotypes = genotypes_permute, empiricalP=True) count[ps, :] = resultsPermute['pvalues'] <= pvalues if self.mode is "singletrait": resultsPermute = self.__singletraitAssociation( genotypes = genotypes_permute, empiricalP=True) count[ps,:, :] = resultsPermute['pvalues'] <= pvalues pvalues_empirical = np.sum(count, axis=0)/nrpermutations
return pvalues_empirical
[docs] def computeFDR(self, fdr): r""" Create an empirical p-values distribution by permuting the genotypes and running the association test on these (10 random permuations). Recored the observed pvalues, order by rank and find the rank of the desired FDR to determine the empirical FDR. Arguments: fdr (float): desired fdr threshold Returns: (tuple): tuple containing: - **empirical fdr** (float): - **empirical_pvalue_distribution** (numpy array): array of empirical p-values for 10 permutations tests """ verboseprint("Computing empirical FDR", verbose = self.verbose) np.random.seed(seed=self.seed) #tests = int(1/self.options.fdr) tests = 10 self.ppermute = np.zeros((tests, self.S)) for ps in range (tests): genotypes_permute = self.genotypes[np.random.choice(self.N, self.N, replace=False), :] if self.mode == "multitrait": resultsFDR = self.__multiTraitAssociation_anyeffect( genotypes = genotypes_permute, computeFDR=True) ppermute[ps, :] = resultsFDR['pvalues_permute'] if self.mode == "singletrait": resultsFDR = self.__singleTraitAssociation( genotypes = genotypes_permute, computeFDR=True, adjustSingleTrait=adjustSingleTrait) pvalues_adjust_min = resultsFDR['pvalues_permute_adjust'].min( axis=0) ppermute[ps, :] = pvalues_adjust_min SNPsPassingFDR = int(fdr* self.S* tests) self.allppermute = ppermute.flatten() self.allppermute.sort() self.fdr_empirical = self.allppermute[SNPsPassingFDR]
return self.fdr_empirical, self.allppermute def __adjust(self, pv): r""" Adjust pvalues for multiple hypothesis testing by multiplying with a constant (if adjustBy=P, equivalent to Bonferroni adjustment). Arguments: pv (array like): p-values Returns: pv (numpy array): adjusted p-values """ pvadjust = np.array([min(pveff, 1) for pveff in (pv * self.adjustBy)]) return pvadjust def __varianceDecomposition(self, cache=True): vd = limix.mtset.MTSet(Y=self.phenotypes, R=self.relatedness) vd_null_info = vd.fitNull(n_times=1000, rewrite=True) if vd_null_info['conv']: verboseprint("Variance decomposition converged") self.Cg = vd_null_info['Cg'] + 1e-4*sp.eye(self.P) self.Cn = vd_null_info['Cn'] + 1e-4*sp.eye(self.P) self.time = vd_null_info['time'] else: sys.exit("Variance decomposition did not converge")
[docs] def manhattanQQ(self, results, colourS='DarkBLue', colourNS='Orange', alphaS=0.5, alphaNS=0.1, thr_plotting=None, saveTo=None): r""" Plot manhattan and quantile-quantile plot of association results. Arguments: results (dictionary): dictionary generated via runAssociation analysis colourS (string, optional): colour of significant points colourNS (string, optional): colour of non-significant points alphaS (float, optional): plotting transparency of significant points alphaNS (float, optional): plotting transparency of non-significant points thr_plotting (float, optional): y-intercept for horizontal line as a marker for significance saveTo (string, optional): /path/to/output/directory to automatically save plot as pdf; needs user writing permission. Returns: (None) """ if self.mode is 'singletrait': fig = plt.figure(figsize=[12,4]) pv_min = np.array(results['pvalues']).min(axis=0) data = pd.DataFrame({'pv': pv_min, 'chrom': np.array(self.genotypes_info['chrom']).astype('int'), 'pos': np.array(self.genotypes_info['pos']).astype('int')}) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2,1,1) plot.plot_manhattan(df=data, null_style={'alpha':alphaS, 'color':colourS}, alt_style = {'alpha':alphaNS, 'color':colourNS}, alpha=thr_plotting) ax1.set_title('%s' % ax2 = fig.add_subplot(2,1,2) plot.qqplot(results['pvalues'].ravel(), alphaLevel=None) fig.tight_layout() if results['pvalues_adjust'] is not None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=[12,8]) pv_adjust_min = np.array(results['pvalues_adjust']).min( axis=0).ravel() data_adjust = pd.DataFrame({'pv': pv_min, 'chrom': np.array(self.genotypes_info['chrom']).astype('int'), 'pos': np.array(self.genotypes_info['pos']).astype('int')}) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(4,1,1) plot.plot_manhattan(df=data, null_style={'alpha':alphaS, 'color':colourS}, alt_style = {'alpha':alphaNS, 'color':colourNS}, alpha=thr_plotting) ax1.set_title('%s (p-values)' % ax2 = fig.add_subplot(4,1,2) plot.qqplot(results['pvalues'].ravel()) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(4,1,3) plot.plot_manhattan(df=data_adjust, null_style={'alpha':alphaS, 'color':colourS}, alt_style = {'alpha':alphaNS, 'color':colourNS}, alpha=thr_plotting) ax1.set_title('%s (p-values adjust)' % ax2 = fig.add_subplot(4,1,4) plot.qqplot(results['pvalues_adjust'].ravel()) fig.tight_layout() if self.mode is 'multitrait': pv = np.array(results['pvalues']).ravel() data = pd.DataFrame({'pv': pv, 'chrom': np.array(self.genotypes_info['chrom']).astype('int'), 'pos': np.array(self.genotypes_info['pos']).astype('int')}) fig = plt.figure(figsize=[12,4]) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2,1,1) plot.plot_manhattan(df=data, null_style={'alpha':alphaS, 'color':colourS}, alt_style = {'alpha':alphaNS, 'color':colourNS}, alpha=thr_plotting) ax1.set_title('%s' % ax2 = fig.add_subplot(2,1,2) plot.qqplot(results['pvalues'].ravel()) fig.tight_layout() if saveTo is not None: if is not "": output = '{}/{}_{}.png'.format(saveTo,, self.model) else: output = '{}/{}.png'.format(saveTo, self.model)